
Wednesday, February 16, 2011

I am an Atheist with MS: Hear Me Roar, Ramble (and Whimper).

We all take life for granted in some way or another but maybe a certain event changed that in some way. Even after then, even after a big change - location, relationship, medical - we can fall back into a "safe spot" and forgot who we are to the world: nobody. That is not a cynical viewpoint; it is in fact is the most optimistic view. We are all equal in our potential ups and downs. No matter our race, wealth, religion or geological location - we never know what is going to happen. There are statistics and rules, theories and ideas, but all in all - we never know what is going to happen.
Recently I have been thinking about my "non-religiousness". It's helped me cope a lot with everything and anything from biological to emotional. Logic and reason leave no room for 'What ifs' or 'Why mes'... only 'Of courses' with a slight sigh.
I am not heartless or depressed, only a realist and in that comes the reality check that things suck and as an Atheist I have no one to cry/bitch/whine to. Lucky them! And today I was checked into remembering that I have a disease that is beyond fixing by me or medicine. The brain is an amazing thing, something I do not understand at the smallest level. It is the cause and reason of us: biological, intellectual and philosophical. We are only neurological realities. That reality can be changed or dissolved in an instant. That is what I believe in.
MS Update: My day-to-day prior to 08.03.09 was "You only know people that get sick, YOU don't get sick" then on 08.03.09 I thought "MS is going to kill me" (nope), and since 08.04.09 its all: "I have MS now, its Wednesday - gotta take my shot, that bites, ooh my fingers are numb - whatever"... much more comforting even in a new norm. But today, 2.16.11, awaiting my neurologist's call back with my follow up MRIs I let my brain fall to pieces in worry about the results. Why bother? I have a debilitating neurological disease - that is fact. The fact also is constantly evolving into different things. Today I learned my brain lesions are the same as they were 8.03.09 (good thing). I learned one lesion on my C7 is smaller but that the lesion on my C4 is slightly larger. And that I have a new 5mm lesion on my C2. What does this mean to me? That I frequently go to the bathroom more because my body is attacking itself below the base of my skull. Bastard.

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